De-Escalation Agreements

Russian and Syrian Regime Forces Committed Violations That Constitute War Crimes During Unlawful Attacks on and Around the Jabal al Zaweya Area

Around 61 Civilians Killed, 33 of Them by Russian Forces, Including 20 Children, While 13 Vital Facilities Targeted, Between June and September 2021 Press release...

Destroying Ma’aret al Numan and Saraqeb Cities and Displacing Their Residents Is a Clear Example of the Syrian Regime’s Tactics in the Recent Military...

Destroying Cities and Their Environs, Displacing Their People, and Seizing Their Properties Is the Syrian Regime’s Malicious Tripartite Crime to Punish Those Demanding or...

The UN Investigators’ Report in Northwest Syria Should Have Acknowledged Russian Forces’ Responsibility for the Bombing of the Schools Complex in Qal’at al Madiq

Russian Forces Are Responsible for 43 Attacks on Medical Facilities in Northwest Syria Since the Sochi Agreement to Date, and 207 Since Their Military...

The Syrian Regime Repeatedly Uses Cluster Munitions Against Residential Neighborhoods in and Around Idlib Governorate, Constituting War Crimes

Four Cluster Munition Attacks Documented Since the Start of the Last Offensive in December 2019, Two of Which Were Against Schools   Press release: In its latest...

Syrian-Russian Alliance Forces Target 67 Medical Facilities in Northwest Syria Since April 26, 2019

The United States of America Should Intervene to Stop Russian War Crimes and Bombardment of Medical Facilities Press release:   In its latest report released today, the...

The Deaths of 87 Civilians Have Been Documented Since the Start of the Russian-Turkish Ceasefire, Including the Largest Massacre by the Syrian Regime in...

The Constitutional Committee’s Progress Makes No Sense in Light of the Syrian Regime’s Continuous Crimes against Humanity The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) reveals...

Report Documenting Violations by Russian-Syrian Alliance since December 15 in Northwest Syria, many of Which Constitute War Crimes

86 Civilians Killed, Displacement Routes Bombed 9 Times, 3 IDP Camps Bombed, and a Massacre Committed During the Truce Declared by OCHA Press release: In its...

Violent Military Escalation in Northwest Syria Despite the Convening of the Constitutional Committee Meetings

56 civilians, including 19 Children, Were Killed by Syrian-Russian Alliance Forces in 16 Days Press release: In its latest report, released today, the Syrian Network for...

Satellite Images Obtained by SNHR Prove the Extent of Massive Destruction Inflicted on Khan Sheikhoun City

The Goal of the Russian-Syrian Alliance Is to Implement the Grozny and Eastern Ghouta Model and to Destroy as Many Buildings as Possible to...

The Most Notable Types of Weapons Used by the Russian-Syrian Alliance on Populated Areas in Northwestern Syria

Cluster Munitions, Barrel Bombs, Incendiary Weapons, Nail Missiles, Chemical Weapons The Syrian Network for Human Rights has today issued a report documenting the most important...


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